DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-381DATA-BD (Network Control Circuit Pack)
a. Refer to “DATA-CHL” and “SW-CTL” for other tests associated with
DATA-BD maintenance.
NPE Audit Test (#50)
The system sends a message to the on-board microprocessor to update the
network connectivity information for all the NPEs on the circuit pack.
Control Channel Loop Around Test (#52)
This test queries the circuit pack for its circuit pack code and vintage and verifies
its records.
Table 10-104. TEST #50 NPE Audit Test
Result Description/Recommendation
ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1019 ABORT Test already in progress.
FAIL Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
PASS The circuit pack’s NPEs have been updated with their translation.
Continued on next page
Table 10-105. TEST #52 Control Channel Loop Around Test
Result Description/Recommendation
ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
FAIL Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
PASS Communication with this circuit pack is successful.
Continued on next page