DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
BRI Set Audits Test (#630)
This is a series of two tests which are classified as audits. The switch sends
messages to the BRI endpoint to perform the following tests:
■ Ringer Audit - This audit ensures that both the switch and the endpoint
agree as to the current state of the endpoint’s ringer.
■ Lamps Audit - This audit ensures that both the switch and the endpoint
agree as to the current state of the endpoint’s lamps.
■ Call Activity Audit - This audit ensures that the state of calls is consistent
between the switch and the endpoint.
This test is not executed for ASAI or AT&T adjunct because adjuncts do not
employ ringers or lamps, or establish calls on the B-channels associated with the
BRI interface.
Table 10-70. TEST #630 BRI Set Audits
Result Description/ Recommendation
1113 ABORT The signaling link between the switch and the endpoint
is down.
1. Use the test port PCSSpp long command to clear
any errors which prevent establishment of the
signaling link.
2. Examine the results of the Signaling Link Status Test
(#626) which is run as part of this command. If this
test aborts or fails, follow the repair procedure for
Test #626.
3. If the BRI Set Audits test continues to abort, escalate
the problem.
1139 ABORT The Packet Bus in the port network is out-of-service.
1. Follow the repair procedures for the Packet Bus.
2. After completing Step 1, execute the test port long
PCSSpp command, and review the results of the
BRI Port Local LAN Loop Around Test to verify the
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