DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1380TAPE-DAT (Tape Consistency)
35535 ABORT Could not access the tape (could be active or standby).
1. The tape may be damaged or missing. Resolve all problems with all
tape tests in the Long Test Sequence for both tapes.
2. Repeat the test.
1 FAIL The standby translations are out-of-date. The translations on the Standby
SPE (tape) are older than those on the Active SPE (tape).
2 FAIL The Active SPE translations are out-of-date.
1. Issue the save translations command. If the translation save passes
on both SPEs, proceed to Step 2.
2. Run test tape long again to resolve the alarms.
3 FAIL The load vintages are different in both SPEs.
4 FAIL The load vintages are different in both SPEs.
5 FAIL The load vintages and translations are different in both SPEs. The Active
SPE has the most current translations.
6 FAIL The load vintages and translations are different in both SPEs. The Standby
SPE has the most current translations.
1. Determine which tape contains the desired software release by issuing
a list configuration software long command. Obtain another tape of
the same software release. Install both tapes, and issue the save
translations command. If there is a TN750 Announcement circuit pack
in the system, issue the save announcements command. If the
translation (and announcement) save passes on both SPEs, proceed
to Step 2.
2. Run test tape long again to resolve the alarms.
8 FAIL The announcements are different in both SPEs. The Active SPE has the
most current announcements.
1. Issue the save announcements command to save announcements in
both SPEs. If the announcement save passes on both SPEs, proceed
to Step 2.
2. Issue the test tape long command again to resolve the alarms.
Table 10-419. TEST #421 Tape Data Consistency Check Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page