
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-854MAINT (EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack)
System Technician-Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order presented in the table below. By clearing
error codes associated with the
Sanity Handshake Test,
for example, you may
also clear errors generated from other tests in the testing sequence.
a. If you are invoking the Long Test Sequence from the EPN terminal, Test
#104 causes the system technician terminal to be logged off, and Test
#306 is not run as part of the test sequence. Test #104, however, causes
Test #306 to run in an attempt to bring the EPN Maintenance circuit pack
back to a known state. After the test sequence runs, the Error Log should
be examined for MAINT errors of type 1 and 3073 to determine if the
Network Control Circuit Pack DPR Test and EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack
Reset Test failed.
If you are invoking the Long Test Sequence from the PPN, all tests listed
are run and their results are displayed on the PPN terminal. The EPN
terminal is still logged off.
Network Control Circuit Pack Dual Port Ram
(DPR) Test (#104)
This test is destructive.
When executed, this test drops the EPN Manager I (G1) or G3MT terminal login.
The login prompt reappears if the test passes successfully.
The Dual Port Ram (RAM), memory shared by the TN777 Processor circuit pack
and the Network Control circuit pack, is tested to ensure that it can be read from
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestructive
Order of Investigation
Short Test
Long Test
Sequence D/ND
Sanity Handshake Test (#106) X X ND
Network Control Circuit Pack DPR Test (#104) (a) X D
EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack Reset Test (#306) X D
Serial Channel Local Loop Around Test (#229) X X ND
MGR I Channel Local Loop Around Test (#228) X D
EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack Sanity Maze Test (#303) X X ND
EPN Maintenance Circuit Pack Serial Link Test (#337) X X ND