
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-325reset system
Feature Interactions
The reset spe-standby command will invoke standby SPE initialization as if low
level maintenance had done it. This means that the reset level requested will
never be escalated by software. The reset level requested by the technician will
always be the level that is performed.
If the standby SPE contains a software memory card and the requested restart
level is 4 or 5, then the standby SPE will reload system software before rebooting.
reset system
This command resets the SPE to a defined level, or switch control to the standby
reset system [ level | interchange ]
The following default logins may execute this command: system technician,
inads, init.
reset system 1
reset system 2
reset system 3
reset system 4
reset system 5
reset system interchange
reset system interchange health-override
This command is increasingly destructive as the reset level increases.
The command can also be used to switch control from the currently active SPE to
the standby SPE in a High or Critical Reliability System through a HOT (planned)
restart interchange. Once a planned interchange has been started it cannot
be aborted by pressing the CANCEL key. If a "reset system interchange"
command is rejected because the Fault Severity Level of the standby SPE is
higher than that of the active SPE, the "health-override" option can be specified to
try to force a HOT interchange.