DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-407DATA-CHL (Network Control Data Channel)
Data Channel Local Loop Back Test (#111)
This test verifies the integrity of the dual port RAM that is shared between the
software and hardware that composes the DATA-CHL. The dual port RAM is
placed in local loop back mode such that data to be sent by the DATA-CHL is
instead looped back to be received by the DATA-CHL. The loop back is done
within the dual port RAM, that is, the data is never sent over the TDM Bus. The
test checks that the data received by the DATA-CHL is the same as the data that
was sent by the DATA-CHL.
This test actually does more than just verify the integrity of the target DATA-CHL.
Because it is the DATA-CON that actually puts the Dual Port RAM in local loop
back mode and loops the data from the Dual Port RAM back into the Dual Port
RAM, the test also verifies the integrity of the DATA-CON.
If this test aborts or fails, it is impossible to determine from this test alone whether
the target DATA-CHL is defective or if the problem lies with the DATA-CON. The
results of running Tests #107 and #108 on the DATA-CHL can be used to
determine whether the target DATA-CHL is defective.
Finally, recall from the description of that DATA-CHLs 1 and 2 share a common
Dual Port RAM (DPR) and TDM Bus interface hardware and DATA-CHLs 3 and 4
share a common DPR and TDM Bus interface hardware. Thus, if this test finds
that DATA-CHL 1 is defective, then DATA-CHL 2 is likely to be defective and vice
versa. Similarly, if this test finds that DATA-CHL 3 is defective, then DATA-CHL 4
is likely to be defective and vice versa.
If an Error Code is encountered that recommends that an CDR Link, System
Printer Link, PMS Log Printer, Wakeup-Log Printer, and/or PMS Link be
busied out, restore each busied-out link to service according to the
PRI-CDR/SEC-CDR (PRI-CDR Link), SYS-PRNT (System Printer Link),
PMS-PRNT/JNL-PRNT (PMS Printer Link), or PMS-LINK (Property
Management System Link) Maintenance documentation, respectively,
before concluding work on the problem.
PASS The target DATA-CHL, DATA-CON, TN777 Network Control circuit pack, TDM
Bus (TDM-BUS), and Tone-Clock circuit pack (TONE-BD, TONE-PT,
TDM-CLK) are functioning. Connections can be established over the target
Table 10-111. TEST #110 Data Channel Crosstalk Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page