DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-272CARR-POW (Carrier Port Power Unit) for AC-Powered Systems
Replacing a TN736 or TN752 Power Unit Circuit
If the TN736 or TN752 power unit circuit pack is in a control carrier of a PPN
system, then refer to the "Handling Control Circuit Packs" section in Chapter 5,
"Routine Maintenance Procedures". Replacing either power unit interrupts the -5
volt supply to the carrier. This causes all the analog circuit packs in the carrier to
fail their Loop Around Tests and may cause failures in circuit packs in the control
complex. After the power unit has been replaced, look for alarms against these
maintenance objects. If ANL-LINE alarms exist, refer to Test #47 (Loop Around
and Conference Test) in ANL-LINE Maintenance documentation. For CO-TRK
alarms, refer to Test #33 (Loop Around and Conference Test) in CO-TRK
Maintenance documentation.
Hardware Error Log Entries and Test to Clear
a. Where P is an appropriate port network number taken for the PORT field of
the Error Log.
b. Run the Power Unit Query Test (#127) first using the test environment P r
2 command. Then, if a carrier must be recycled to clear the CARR-POW
alarm, use the recycle carrier PC command to run the Power Unit
Recycle Test (#126). The Power Unit Recycle Test (#126) is not included
in either the long or Short Test Sequences.
The Power Unit Recycle Test (#126) is destructive. For more
information, refer to the description of this test.
1. Run the Short Test Sequence first. If all tests pass, run the Long Test Sequence. Refer to the
appropriate test description and follow the recommended procedures.
Carrier Port Power Unit Error Log Entries
Data Associated Test
Board Test to Clear Value
0 Any Any Any test environment P sh r 1
1(a)(b) 0 or 1 Power Unit Query
Test (#127)
MAJOR ON test environment P r 2