DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1354TAPE (Tape Unit) [G3iV1.1-286]
System Technician Demanded Tests:
Descriptions and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order they are presented in the table below when
inspecting errors in the system. By clearing error codes associated with the
DMA Latch Test
for example, you may also clear errors generated from other
tests in the testing sequence.
a. The Tape Read/Write Test only runs in the following software releases;
■ G1
■ G3iV1, EDI 6.0 and earlier.
b. The Tape Block Error Test runs only in software release G3iV1, EDI 15.0
and earlier.
c. Refer to TAPE-DAT (Tape Consistency) Maintenance documentation for
the description of this test.
Tape Read/Write Test (#65)
The purpose of this test is to exercise the hardware read/write circuitry and the
basic functionality of the tape cartridge. This test is done by reading 22 blocks of
data and by then writing 22 blocks of data into reserved space on the tape
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestructive
Order of Investigation
Long Test
Sequence D/ND
Tape Reset Test (#67) X ND
Tape DMA Latch Test (#230) X X ND
Tape Diagnostic Test (#66) X X ND
Tape Read/Write Test (#65) (a) X ND
Tape Block Error Test (#692) (b) X ND
Tape Status Test (#69) X X ND
Tape Translation Status Test (#505) X ND
TAPE-DAT Tape Consistency Test (#421) (c) X ND