DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-622test modem-pool
Help Messages
If the system technician presses HELP after entering "test modem-pool" the
following message will be displayed:
Enter group #(1-5) or group #/member #,
[’long’ or ’short’], [’repeat’ (1-100)],
[’schedule’] or press CANCEL to cancel the command
Error Messages
If the "test modem-pool" command is entered from a login for which the
command is not valid, then the following message will be displayed:
"test" is an invalid entry; please press HELP
If the group or member numbers entered are not digits, then the following
message will be displayed:
Identifier invalid
If the group number or member number entered is not within the valid range of
groups or members, the following message will be displayed:
Boards not assigned
group number The group number is assigned from administration. The group
number may be any administered group from 1-5.
member number The member number is assigned from administration. A member is a
pair of analog and digital line ports (or two pair for the Integrated
modem-pool case). The member number may be any administered
group member from 1-32.
short This will cause the command to execute a series of nondestructive
diagnostic tests.
long This will execute a more comprehensive and longer version of the
diagnostic tests. This may involve both destructive and
nondestructive tests.
repeat number This number specifies how many times each test in the sequence is
to be repeated. The number may be any integer between 1 and 100.
For example, if number = 2, then each test in the sequence is
executed twice.
schedule When the "schedule" option is specified, the command is validated
and then a scheduling form is displayed to allow the technician to
schedule execution of the command. The command is then placed
in the command queue and is executed at the specified time. The
information displayed by the command is sent to the system printer
instead of the screen. Refer to the Report Scheduler and System
Printer feature specification [1] for more details.