DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Management Terminals
Page 3-23System Login Procedure
After the user enters the correct login name and password and the login is
administered correctly, the system displays the command line interface.
To log into the system, do the following:
1. Turn on the administration terminal. Verify that the screen displays:
2. Enter your login name, then press
Enter. Verify that the screen displays:
3. Enter your password, then press
For security reasons, the password is not displayed as you type it. The
system verifies that a valid login and password name were entered. If an
invalid login or password name was entered, the screen displays:
login incorrect:, and you must repeat the procedure.
If the system recognizes the login and password name, verify that the
screen displays the software version.
4. For your terminal type, complete one of the following:
Terminal Type (Enter 513, 715, VT220, 4410, or 4425): [513]
a. If the terminal is a 513 BCT, press Enter. The 513 in brackets [513] is
the system default terminal.
b. If the terminal is a 610 BCT or a 615 MT that has a 513 emulation
cartridge, press
c. If the terminal is a 610 BCT or a 615 MT that does not have a 513
emulation cartridge, enter 4410 and press
d. If the terminal is any other of the types listed, enter the terminal type
and press
5. You can deactivate INADS alarm origination whenever you log in as craft.
After you supply the terminal type information requested, the system
displays the following if alarm origination is activated on the Maintenance
System-Parameters screen:
Unless you are in a special situation, please reduce unnecessary
trouble tickets by always answering “y” to the following prompt to
suppress Alarm Origination.
Suppress Alarm Origination: [y]
The default answer is yes. If you do NOT wish to suppress alarm
origination, enter no. Any other entry defaults to yes. The test inads-link
command works regardless of whether you have overridden INADS alarm
6. Verify that the screen displays:
enter command: