DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-959M/T-ANL (Maintenance/Test Analog Port)
Clear Error Counters (#270)
The ports on the Maintenance/Test circuit pack continually run self-tests,
whenever the port is idle. The Angel uses a counter so that the Background
Maintenance Failure message is only sent uplink once (this keeps a failed
port/circuit pack from flooding the SPE with a string of messages). Many circuit
packs have counters in the Angel firmware. These counters are used so that
Control Channel Message Set (CCMS) messages are not continuously sent
uplink. Using this method, the message will be sent once, when the counter
reaches some preset threshold, and then not sent again until the counter is
cleared. This test is used to clear the counter, so that if the port continues to fail
during or after SPE-demanded testing, the Angel will send a message to indicate
that fact.
This test is only used to send a message to the Angel on the Maintenance/Test
Circuit Pack. Therefore, this test should never abort or fail.
Table 10-275. TEST #270 Clear Error Counters
Result Description/ Recommendation
PASS The message to clear the Maintenance/Test circuit
pack’s counter for Background Maintenance Failures
has been sent.
Continued on next page