DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1349TAPE (Tape Unit) [G3iV1.1-286]
If this error reappears and becomes a chronic problem, the fault may be
with the tape drive unit, and it could be intermittent in nature. In this case,
replace the tape drive unit with a new tape drive unit and repeat "Error
Type #1793 - Repair Procedure." Refer to Step 5 of the ‘‘
Maintenance and Repair Procedures’’ section for directions on how to
replace the tape drive unit.
e. Error Type #1828 is reported under the following conditions;
■ [G3iV1, EDI 7.0 and earlier] This error is never reported.
■ [G3iV1, EDI 6.0 and earlier] Whenever Test #692 (Tape Block Error
Test) fails due to an uncorrectable tape block error.
■ [G1.1] Whenever any maintenance test fails due to an
uncorrectable tape block error.
To clear Error Type #1828, follow the procedures given in the footnotes for
Error Type #1793.
f. Error Type #2049 is reported under the following conditions;
■ [G3iV1 EDI 7.0 and later] This error is never reported.
■ [G1.1, G3iV1 EDI 6.0 and earlier] Error Type #2049 is reported
whenever the software detects a correctable tape block error
during a read or write operation on the tape.
A correctable tape error is one in which a block error is detected
but corrected during a read or write to the tape. This type of error
may be caused by either a soft tape error (for example, the tape
head is jiggled while reading or writing data), or by a hard tape
error (for example, a scratch or a hole in the tape that affects only a
single sector of the tape).
The auxiliary data field indicates the file on the tape in which the
error was detected. Refer to Table C for a list of possible auxiliary
data field values and the corresponding tape file.
With this error, the tape is fully functional but is in danger of
developing an uncorrectable tape error. The tape cartridge should
be changed when it is convenient to do so.
To clear Error Type #2049, follow the procedures given in the
footnotes for Error Type #1793.
g. Error Type #2084 is reported under the following conditions;
■ [G3iV1 EDI 7.0 and later] This error is never reported.
■ [G3iV1 EDI 6.0 and earlier] Whenever Test #692 (Tape Block Error
Test) fails due to a correctable tape block error.
■ [G1.1] Whenever any maintenance test fails due to an correctable
tape block error.
To clear Error Type #2084, follow the procedures given in the footnotes for
Error Type #1793.