
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1042PE-BCHL (PRI Endpoint Port)
Call State Audit Test (#257)
If a call is active on the port, the switches on both sides of the connection should
agree on the ISDN state of the call as defined in the ISDN Protocol Specification.
This test audits internal call state data by querying the far-end terminal adapter
Table 10-300. TEST #256 Service State Audit Test
Result Description/Recommendation
1113 ABORT The signaling link has failed. As a result, the system cannot send any
messages on behalf of this port.
1. Check the results of Test #255 (Signaling Link State Check).
1117 ABORT A service state audit message is outstanding.
1. Wait two minutes and try again.
1700 ABORT Rollabout video abort. The PRI terminal adapter associated with this PRI
endpoint extension is detached from the circuit pack. This is a normal abort
when the rollabout video feature is enabled. To complete the test on this
port, do one of the following:
1. Re-attach the disconnected PRI terminal adapter, or
2. Disable the rollabout video feature on this circuit pack by entering the
change ds1 PCSS command, and set the field "Alarm when PRI
Endpoint Detached?" to "y."
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
FAIL Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
PASS Wait 4 minutes and then check the Error Log for any new occurrences of
Errors Type 3073.
If there are no occurrences of this error, both sides of the ISDN connection
agree on the service state, and the negotiation succeeded. If there is a new
occurrence of Error Type 3073, the negotiation failed (that is, the far-end
terminal adapter twice failed to respond within the mandatory two minute
window). This switch automatically retries approximately every 15 minutes.
If the port was initially in the INS (in-service) state, it is now be placed into
the MTC/FE (maintenance, far-end problem) state (refer to the "Service
States" section, which precedes the PE-BCHL "Hardware Error Log Entries
and Test to Clear Values" table). Incoming calls are accepted, but no
outgoing calls are originated from this port. If an incoming call is presented,
another Service State Audit is immediately performed in an attempt to bring
the PRI Endpoint Port to the proper state.
Continued on next page