DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-143display system-parameters maintenance
Cleared Alarm
Enables the switch to originate a call to the OSS and send an
alarm resolution message whenever all previously reported
Major and Minor alarms are resolved. Alarm Origination must be
activated in order for Cleared Alarm Notification to work. (no)
Restart Notification Enables the switch to originate a call to the OSS and report any
system restarts caused by problems with the switch.
The threshold for suspending Cleared Alarm Notification. Some
problems may cause alarms to be generated and then resolved
repeatedly. To detect these problems (by not sending additional
Cleared Alarm notifications to indicate a problem- free system),
the switch suspends Cleared Alarm Notification when it has
reported this administrable number of Cleared Alarm
notifications in a 24 hour period. A suspended Cleared Alarm
Notification is only enabled again with a successfully completed
“logoff” command, a system reset, or when the threshold is
changed. This field is irrelevant if Cleared Alarm Notification or
Alarm Origination is disabled. The possible range of threshold
values is between 1 and 15.
Test Remote Access
Specifies whether testing of the remote access port on the
SYSAM circuit pack is enabled. This field should be set to "yes"
whenever there is an INADS line connected to the switch and
there is a maintenance contract in effect so that alarm
origination capability is maintained.
CPE Alarm Activation
Indicates the minimum level (Major, Minor or Warning) at which
the Customer-Provided Equipment (CPE) alarm is activated. If
the level is "none," the CPE does is not activated for any alarm.
The CPE alarm is always activated when the switch goes
into Emergency Transfer, regardless of the CPE Alarm
Activation Level setting.