DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-355CO-TRK (CO Trunk)
The test call is run from an analog port on a TN771 Maintenance/Test circuit
pack. It attempts to seize a port and make a call to a terminating test line (TTL) on
the trunk’s far end. Transmission performance measurements are made and
compared to administered thresholds. Errors are generated when results fall
outside of ‘‘marginal’’ or ‘‘unacceptable’’ thresholds. Detail and summary
measurement reports are obtainable via the list testcalls command.
Table 10-99. TEST #844-848 Transmission Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not
available. The port may be busy with a valid call. Use
display port PCSSpp to determine the trunk
group/member number of the port. Use the "status trunk"
command to determine the service state of the port. If
the service state indicates that the port is in use, then
the port unavailable for this test. (Refer to the "Status
Commands" section in Chapter 10, "Maintenance
Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids" for a full
description all possible states). You must wait until the
port is idle before retesting.
1. If the port status is idle, then retry the command at 1
minute intervals for a maximum of 5 retries.
2. If the test continues to abort escalate the problem.
1001 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to
run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1 minute intervals for a
maximum of 5 retries.
2. If the test continues to abort escalate the problem.
1002 ABORT The system could not allocate timeslots for the test. The
system may be under heavy traffic conditions or it may
have timeslots out of service due to TDM bus errors.
Refer to TDM Bus Maintenance to diagnose any active
TDM bus errors.
1. If system has no TDM bus errors and is not handling
heavy traffic, repeat test at 1 minute intervals for a
maximum of 5 retries.
2. If the test continues to abort escalate the problem.
Continued on next page