DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1350TAPE (Tape Unit) [G3iV1.1-286]
h. [G1.1, G3iV1 EDI 6.0 and earlier] Error Type #2817 is reported whenever
the tape read/write test fails. The auxiliary data field indicates the cause of
the test failure as follows:
i. Error Type #3329 indicates that an error occurred while loading
translations. This error and the corresponding alarm occurs at power-up
or on a Reset System 3, 4, or 5 if the system cannot load translations. This
error results in a MAJOR alarm if translations are not already loaded and in
a MINOR alarm otherwise. If the system does not contain valid
translations, this alarm will invoke Emergency Transfer.
Standard System
The following repair procedure assumes that no major alarms exist
on the PROCR (Processor) or MEM-BD (Memory) circuit packs. If
any of these alarms exists, resolve them before trying to resolve this
Error Type #3329—Repair Procedure (Standard System):
1.Look in the Hardware Error Log for Error Type #1793. If this error exists,
replace the tape cartridge with a backup cartridge that has valid
system translations.
2.[G1.2, G3iV1.1-286] Issue the test tape long clear command.
3.[G1.1] Issue the test tape long repeat 3 command.
4.If all tests except for Test #505 pass, assume that the problem has been
resolved. Test #505 will fail if a successful load translations has not
If some other tests besides Test #505 fail, resolve those errors, and
repeat Step #2.
5.Issue the reset system 3 command.
6.Issue the list configuration software command.
7.If the tape resident translations date is "none," insert a backup tape
cartridge and go back to Step #2 (try up to 2 backup tapes).
8.If the problem is
resolved, follow normal escalation procedures.
High and Critical Reliability Systems
9032 – Significant portion of the scratch area on
the tape cannot be read.
9033 – Significant portion of the scratch area on
tape cannot be written.
9034 – Significant portion of the scratch area on
the tape cannot be read or written.