DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1161PR-MAINT (Maintenance Processor)
MTP Dual Port Ram Test (#104)
This test is destructive.
The test terminates any PPN Manager I session, and it is a coordinated test of the
MTP dual port ram (DPR). The DPR is a section of memory that is shared by the
MTP and by the 80286/386 Processor circuit pack. Control messages and data
are passed through the DPR. The test forces both sides to read and write the
DPR simultaneously in alternate locations.
The DPR test causes the PPN Manager I to log off before the test result is
displayed. The test result is determined according to the terminal from which the
test is run. If the test is run from the PPN Manager I terminal, system technician
should log back in and examine the Error Log for an error against PR-MAINT,
with Error Type 769, no Aux Data. This error entry indicates that the MTPDPR Test
failed and that the Processor circuit pack should be replaced.
If the TN786B circuit pack must be replaced, and if there is a blank in the
Expansion Memory circuit pack slot (that is, in the slot immediately to the
right of the TN786B circuit pack), remove the blank before removing the
circuit pack. Otherwise, the circuit pack and/or the two connectors that are
used to connect the Expansion Memory circuit pack (if available) might
become damaged.
If the test is being run from a terminal other than the PPN Manager I (for example,
EPN Manager I, remote access, and so forth), the test results are displayed on
the screen.
10304 FAIL MTP reported test failure. The system is not able to reliably contact INADS
with alarm data. The system continues to provide good service.
1. If MTP Outpulse Relay Test (#102) is also failing, check for the
presence of the INADS trunk, and resolve any INADS trunk problems.
2. If Test #102 passes, the fault is on the Processor circuit pack. The
circuit pack should be replaced at your convenience.
PASS MTP detected correct data through the loop back connection.
1. If the system cannot call INADS, or if INADS cannot contact the
system, check with the local Central Office for problems with the
INADS trunk, and verify that the INADS number is correct.
Table 10-347. TEST #103 MTP Analog Loop Around Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page