DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-825ISDN-TRK (DS1 ISDN Trunk)
Table 10-228. ISDN-PRI Trunk Service States (Test #161 Loop Around Test)
Service State Alarm* Possible Cause Possible Solution
out-of-service/NE Warning Trunk is demand busied out. Enter release trunk
Minor NPE Crosstalk Test (#6)
Replace DS1/UDS1 circuit
None DS1 or UDS1 circuit pack
lost its signal.
Is the DS1/UDS1 circuit
pack or cable removed? Is
the far-end switch
restarting? Check circuit
pack using procedures in
DS1-BD or UDS1-BD.
out-of-service/FE Warning Unadministered far-end Administer corresponding
trunk on far-end switch.
Warning The far-end trunk is busied
Check the status of the
far-end switch.
None Maintenance message was
sent and the switch is
waiting up to 2 min. for a
reply from the far-end.
Wait 2 minutes and check
service state after the
pending state has cleared.
maint-NE None ISDN test call in progress
(test trunk long and test
isdn-testcall commands)
Wait several minutes for test
to finish and check status
None System link has been busied
out by command.
Check link status. Release
link with release link link#.
maint-FE Warning Signaling channel has been
down for over 90 sec.
Consult ISDN-SGR and/or
ISDN-LNK. Far-end
signaling channel may be
busied out, or the far-end
switch may currently be
Warning Repeated failure of far end
to respond to messages.
Maintenance software will
periodically try to resend
messages. You can speed
the process with test trunk
grp#/mbr# and/or test
signaling-gr #.
Warning The far-end trunk is being
Check status of the far-end
switch. Wait for testing to
in-service None Normal operating state
Continued on next page