DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-674EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
5. Execute the test tone-clock PC command where P is the port
network which contains the Expansion Interface circuit pack’s
neighbor Expansion Interface on the OPPOSITE end of the fiber
and C refers to the carrier which contains the Active Tone-Clock
on port network P. Also, look for SYNC errors in the Error Log. If
there are any tests failing or errors found, resolve these
problems and then rerun Test #238. If the test still fails and the
system has a Standby Tone-Clock, switch the Active
Tone-Clock on this network (set tone-clock PC command,
where P is the port network containing the Expansion Interface
circuit pack on the OPPOSITE end of the fiber and C is the
carrier containing the Standby Tone-Clock). Also, if the EPN is
down, replace the EPN Tone-Clock circuit pack in carrier A of
the EPN.
6. Check for errors using the display errors command with the
Category field set to "tone" and the Active alarms field set to "n."
Some of the alarms on EPN objects might have been resolved if
the EPN went down. Refer to the documentation for descriptions
of any of the error types occurring at about same time as the
EXP-LINK error types. Resolve any active alarms. Also, if Error
Type 18 was logged against the SYNC MO when the EPN went
down, the problem was probably that the Synchronization
on-line reference became invalid. Since, reference switching
was disabled, the Tone-Clock did not switch away from the
invalid reference. Therefore, the Tone-Clock put out an
"out-of-spec" system clock. Execute the enable
synchronization-switch command. If the EPN is down, reseat
the Tone-Clock circuit packs on the EPN. This action should
restore the EPN to service.
7. Follow the procedure described in "Relationship Between
Expansion Interface and Tone-Clock Circuit Packs" near the
beginning of this section if the symptoms match those
described there.
PASS The Expansion Interface circuit pack has detected the valid framing
signal on the fiber.
1. Refer to errors from other Expansion Interface circuit pack tests
if the link is still not functioning.
Table 10-192. TEST #238 EI Fiber Out-of-Frame Query Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page