DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-151display system-parameters maintenance
The following display shows a typical result when display system-parameters
maintenance is entered.
No Answer
Most off-the-shelf external modems provide a timer that abandons
any outbound data call after a predetermined interval. Some
modems provide for this timer to be disabled, thus allowing an out-
bound call to ring indefinitely. AT&T Paradyne does not provide this
capability with their modem line, because it is generally undesirable
to have an outbound call attempt ring indefinitely.
The internal modem must have this parameter disabled or set to at
least 255 seconds.
This is a non-administrable parameter. For the external modem con-
nection, this parameter will be the first initialization string to be
transmitted to the external modem. This field will be visible on the
administration form in display mode only.
This hardcoded constant can be overriden for type approval appli-
cations, specifically in the U.K and other Western European nations,
by the use of the “Misc. Init. Param:” field. (S7=255)
display system-parameters maintenance Page 1 of 3
Product Identification: 1000000000
First OSS Telephone Number: 5551212 Abbrev Alarm Report? y
Second OSS Telephone Number: 5551213 Abbrev Alarm Report? n
Alarm Origination to OSS Numbers: both
Cleared Alarm Notification? y
Restart Notification? y
Test Remote Access Port? n
CPE Alarm Activation Level: none
Packet Bus Activated? n
Customer Access to INADS Port? n
Repeat Dial Interval (mins): 7
Start Time: 22
: 00 Stop Time: 04: 00
Daily Maintenance: daily Save Translation: daily
Control Channel Interchange: no System Clocks Interchange: no
SPE Interchange: no EXP-LINK Interchange: no