DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1262STBY-SPE (Standby SPE)
functionality of the communication path, look for the presence of Error
Types 80, 81, and 106 and use the recommended commands to clear
these errors.
c. Error Type 67 is logged when the Shadow Link Test (#318) fails. This
implies that the shadowing mechanism is not functioning.
The functionality of the Memory Shadowing Link should be checked by
issuing the test shadow-link command. If the test passes, the memory
shadowing mechanism may be functional. However, to restore the
memory shadowing, look for the presence of Error Types 82, 85, and 106
and use the recommended commands to clear these errors.
d. Error Type 80 is logged when the Active SPE Maintenance/Tape
Processor reports that the handshake that is maintained between the
processor and the Duplication Interface circuit pack in the A carrier has
been lost. This implies an inability to communicate with the Standby SPE.
The status of the handshakes should be checked by issuing the test
duplication-interface a and the test duplication-interface b commands.
These commands initiate background tests that verify whether the
handshake between Dupint-A and Active-MTP is operational.
If the handshake between Dupint-A and Active-MTP is operational, the
communication path between the Active SPE and the Standby SPE may
be functional. However, to restore the communication path, look for the
presence of Error Types 58, 81, 82, 98, 99, and 106 and use the
recommended commands to clear these errors.
e. Error Type 81 is logged when the Duplication Interface circuit pack in the
A carrier reports that the handshake that is maintained between the circuit
pack and the Maintenance/Tape Processor on the Standby SPE has been
lost. This implies an inability to communicate with the Standby SPE.
The status of the handshakes should be checked by issuing the test
duplication-interface a and the test duplication-interface b commands.
These commands initiate background tests that verify whether the
handshake between Dupint-A and Standby-MTP is operational.
If the handshake between Dupint-A and Standby-MTP is operational, the
communication path between the Active SPE and the Standby SPE may
be functional. However, to restore the communication path, look for the
presence of Error Types 58, 80, 82, 98, 99, and 106 and use the
recommended commands to clear these errors.
f. Error Type 82 is logged when the Duplication Interface circuit pack in the
A carrier reports that the handshake that is maintained between the circuit
pack and the Duplication Interface circuit pack in carrier B has been lost.
This implies that the shadowing mechanism is not functioning.
The status of the handshakes should be checked by issuing the test
duplication-interface a and the test duplication-interface b commands.
These commands initiate background tests that verify whether the
handshake between Dupint-A and Dupint-B is operational. If the
handshake between Dupint-A and Dupint-B is operational, the memory