DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-623DUPINT (Duplication Interface Circuit Pack)
FAIL The handshake to one of the Duplication Interface circuit packs has
stopped. The circuit pack may be defective or communication to the circuit
pack is hampered.
1. Look in the Hardware Error Log for error types against TAPE. If TAPE
error types are present, resolve them since TAPE error types can
cause Test #315 to fail. Refer to TAPE Maintenance documentation for
recommended repair strategy.
2. After any TAPE error types are resolved, issue the test
duplication-interface command on the suspect Duplication Interface
circuit pack. If Test #315 fails on Duplication Interface A, Duplication
Interface A is defective. Replace the Duplication Interface A circuit
pack. If Test #315 fails on Duplication Interface B, Duplication
Interface circuit pack A or Duplication Interface circuit pack B may be
defective. In this case, it is necessary to determine which Duplication
Interface circuit pack (A or B) is the defective one. To do this, issue the
test duplication-interface A command. If Test #280 fails on
Duplication Interface A, (and Test #315 has just failed on Duplication
Interface B), Duplication Interface circuit pack A is defective and
should be replaced. If Test #280 passes on Duplication Interface A
(and Test #315 has just failed on Duplication Interface B), replace the
Duplication Interface circuit pack B.
3. Reissue the test duplication-interface command on the Duplication
Interface circuit pack that was replaced. If Test #315 still fails, check
for problems with the Inter-Carrier Cables (ICCs). If any of the ICCs is
defective, replace it.
4. Rerun the test.
The Duplication Interface circuit pack has failed to handshake with either
the active Maintenance/Tape Processor (in the case of Duplication
Interface circuit pack A) or with Duplication Interface circuit pack A (in the
case of Duplication Interface circuit pack B).
1. Follow the FAIL directions above.
PASS The tested Duplication Interface circuit pack is present and sane enough
to handshake.
Table 10-179. TEST #315 Duplication Interface Circuit Pack
Status Query Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page