DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1016PDMODULE, TDMODULE (Data Module)
■ Switchhook Inquiry — This is an update of the processor’s software
records based on the on-hook/off-hook status of the data module.
■ Bad Scan Inquiry — A message is sent uplink that contains a count
generated by certain events relating to the digital loop’s (link) conditions.
This could be an indication of communication problems between the
processor and digital port circuit pack.
■ EPF inquiry — The status of the EPF is sent uplink. EPF is not used for data
■ ID Request — A request is made to the data module for its status. The
data module sends its configuration information and health information
back. This information is checked and a pass/fail result is provided.
■ Ringer Update — This updates the data module’s ringer state according
to processor records.
■ Translation Update — This is a message normally used with digital
stations to refresh the default value that causes the station to send
touch-tones only in the primary information channel. This test is not used
with data modules.
Table 10-291. TEST #17 Data Module Audits Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1 ABORT Switchhook audit timed out.
1. Verify the data module is connected to the PBX and
repeat the test.
2. If the test aborts, replace the data module and
repeat the test.
3. If the test continues to abort, replace the circuit pack
and repeat the test.
4. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
2 ABORT ID request fails, health bit is defective, or no response
from on-board microprocessor.
1. Verify that the correct data module type (PDM
versus TDM) is administered.
2. If the test aborts, replace the data module and
repeat the test.
3. If the test aborts, replace the circuit pack and repeat
the test.
4. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
Continued on next page