DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Reliability Systems: A Maintenance Aid
Page 6-24Repair Procedures for High and Critical Reliability
Object Repair Procedures’’, to restore it to service. Proceed to Step
4 regardless of whether or not the attempt to restore the 1B
Tone-Clock to service was successful.
If the 1B Tone-Clock was not successfully restored to service,
the system experiences a loss of clock, and a reset system 2
when the 1A Duplication Interface circuit pack is replaced.
4. If the circuit pack to be replaced is the TN772 Duplication Interface, throw
the SPE Select Switch of the replacement Duplication Interface circuit
pack to the same position as the SPE Select Switch on the Duplication
Interface circuit pack that was removed.
If the Standby Processor is not being replaced Install the replacement
circuit pack and reinsert the Standby SPE Processor circuit pack.
a. If the circuit pack that was replaced was the TN772 Duplication
Interface in the A carrier, the G3MT terminal is logged off. Log in to
the Manager I terminal and proceed to Step 7.
5. If the circuit pack to be replaced is a TN790 Standby SPE Processor
circuit pack loaded with the same software as loaded in the Active
Processor or is a TN770 Standby SPE Processor circuit pack, install the
circuit pack and proceed to Step 7.
6. If the circuit pack to be replaced is a TN790 Standby SPE Processor
circuit pack and the software is being loaded from the generic program
card, continue with the following steps:
The TN790 must have the same number of SIMMs as the replaced circuit
a. Insert the generic program card into the Active SPE. Issue the list
configuration software-versions
command. If the software
matches and the UPDATE FILE Identifier displays none, continue
with this procedure.
Replace the translation card in the Active SPE.
b. Insert the generic program card into the Standby SPE.
c. Install the TN790 Standby Processor circuit pack. When the
Standby Processor starts to initialize and detects the program card,
it does a software upgrade and displays the progress of this
upgrade on the terminal.
d. When prompted, replace the program card in the Standby SPE with
the translation card. The Standby SPE boots up with the translation.
Perform this operation within two minutes. Otherwise the
Standby SPE will boot up without translations. However, it will