DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1234SHDW-LNK (Memory Shadowing Link)
SHDW-LNK (Memory Shadowing
A High or Critical Reliability system contains two SPEs. One is known as the
Active SPE and is the SPE that is currently responsible for all call processing,
administration, and maintenance activities being performed by the system. The
other SPE is known as the Standby SPE. The role of the Standby SPE is to be
ready to take over as the Active SPE in the event that the current Active SPE fails.
The Standby SPE is usually in a mode known as Standby Mode in which it is
ready to assume the role of the Active SPE. To do this, Standby SPE Memory
(MEM-BD) must be an up-to-date reflection of Active SPE Memory. This is
accomplished via the memory shadowing mechanism described below.
The SHDW-CIR (Common Shadow Circuit) on the Active SPE Duplication
Interface circuit pack (DUPINT, TN772) detects all memory writes that the Active
SPE Processor (PROCR) makes to Active SPE Memory. The Active SPE Common
Shadow Circuit sends this information to the Common Shadow Circuit on the
Standby SPE Duplication Interface circuit pack via the Inter-Carrier Cable (ICC).
The Common Shadow Circuit on the Standby SPE Duplication Interface circuit
pack then writes the data to Standby SPE Memory. This logical connection
between Active SPE Memory and Standby SPE Memory is known as the
SHDW-LNK (Memory Shadowing Link).
Although most of the components comprising the Memory Shadowing Link (that
is, Active SPE Memory, both sets of Common Shadow Circuit, and Standby SPE
Memory) may be tested individually, it is useful to test the integrity of the entire
logical connection to verify that the shadowing mechanism is functional and that
Standby SPE Memory is the same as Active SPE Memory. Therefore, this testing
is done under the guise of the Memory Shadowing Link.
The logical connection between the Memory circuit packs of the two SPEs of a
High or Critical Reliability system is shown in Figure 10-83
. This connection
includes the A carrier memory bus, the A carrier TN772 Duplication Interface
circuit pack, the shadow extension in the ICC, the B carrier TN772 Duplication
Interface circuit pack, and the B carrier memory bus. The dotted lines in Figure
10-83 represent important logical connections between components. The
following abbreviations are used in Figure 10-83
■ DUPINT for Duplication Interface Circuit Pack
■ PR MAINT for Maintenance/Tape Processor
■ PROCR for 80386 Processor Circuit Pack
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Initial Command to
Run Full Name of MO
SHDW-LNK MAJOR test shadow-link Memory Shadowing Link