
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-665EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
is disrupted. If this system does have duplicate EI Links, the system
should have switched to the Standby EI Link. Reset the EI. If error 1538 is
detected again, replace the EI circuit pack or transceiver.
h. Error Type 2049 indicates that the last time the EI circuit pack was reset,
its initialization tests failed. The number in the Aux Data field is the error
code with which Reset Test (#336) failed. Follow the procedure specified
in the Reset Test (#336) FAIL section for this error code.
i. Error Type 2305 with aux data 118 indicates that the EI circuit pack has
detected slips on the incoming fiber data stream. Thus, the EPN and PPN
are not synchronized. Examine the Error Log for any SYNC, TDM-CLK,
TONE-BD, and DS1-BD errors. If these errors exist, refer to the
appropriate MO for repair procedures. If the errors do not exist, refer to
“SYNC” for general information on diagnosing synchronization problems.
If there are no active EI circuit pack errors with Error Types 769 and 770,
Error Type 2305 resolves when fewer than nine slips are detected in a 5-
to 10-minute period (that is, Error Type 2305 resolves within 10 minutes of
the last slip.) If the Error Log has an active EI error with type 769 or 770,
then Error Type 2305 is resolved when Error Types 769 and 770 are
These errors may be ignored if they occur during clock
j. Error Type 2561 indicates an on-board failure of EI circuitry related to
handling packet data from the fiber interface and from the Packet bus
interface. If this error has generated a minor alarm, replace the EI circuit
pack or transceiver.
k. Error Type 2817 indicates an on-board failure of EI circuitry related to
transmission of data to the fiber interface. If this error has generated a
minor alarm, replace the EI circuit pack or transceiver.
l. Error Type 3074 and 3075 indicates failures of EI circuit pack packet path
tests. These packet path tests do exercise circuitry on both EI circuit
packs of the expansion link. If Error Type 3075 is present without Error
Type 3074, the fault probably lies with the EI circuit pack that reported the
error. Replace the EI circuit pack or transceiver. If Error Type 3074 exists
with or without 3075, the fault is probably on the neighbor of the EI circuit
pack that reported this error. Replace the neighbor EI circuit pack or
Certain Packet Bus failures can cause this error. In that case the EI is
not defective. If PKT-BUS errors are also present, refer to Chapter 9,
"Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Correction" and the PKT-BUS section
for fault isolation procedures. If PKT-BUS errors are not present and
replacing the EI does not solve the problem this error can still be the
result of a Packet Bus failure.