DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-835ISDN-TRK (DS1 ISDN Trunk)
attempt to bring the trunk back into the in-service state. A PASS for this test
simply means that the message has been successfully sent. Two minutes are
allowed for a reply. If no reply is received within that two minute window, the
message is sent out once again. If no response is received in the next two minute
window, then the trunk remains in the OOS/FE state. The switch will attempt
another Service State Audit in another hour.
To investigate the service state of the DS1 ISDN Trunk, issue the status trunk
trunk-group/trunk-member command.
Table 10-235. TEST #256 Service State Audit Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available. The port may
be on a valid call. Use status station or status trunk to determine when
trunk is available for testing.
1. Check the results of Test #255 (Signaling Link State Check).
1018 ABORT Maintenance is disable on this trunk.
1. Enable maintenance by entering ‘‘y’’ in the ‘‘Maintenance Tests?’’ field
on page 2 of the change trunk-group form.
1113 ABORT The signaling link has failed, so the system cannot send any messages on
behalf of this trunk.
1. Check the results of Test #255 (Signaling Link State Check).
1114 ABORT The signaling link is in a transitional state.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1116 ABORT The trunk is not in a service state which is appropriate for running the test.
This test is only performed in the OOS/FE state.
1117 ABORT A service state audit message is outstanding.
1. Wait two minutes and then try again.
2100 ABORT Could not allocate the necessary system resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1113 FAIL The signaling link has failed, so the system cannot send any messages on
behalf of this trunk.
1. Consult the procedures for ISDN-LNK (ISDN-PRI Signaling Link Port)
and PI-LINK (Processor Interface Link).
FAIL Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
Continued on next page