DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1352TAPE (Tape Unit) [G3iV1.1-286]
6.The Standby SPE must be in Standby Mode before issuing the test tape
[a|b] long command. If the Standby SPE is not in Standby Mode,
the additional tests needed to clear Error Type #3329 are not run.
These additional tests also cause the test tape [a|b] long
command to take longer to execute.
7.Test the Standby tape by issuing the test tape [a|b] long command.
Issuing this command whenever the SPE contains an active Error
Type #3329 causes the SPE to undergo a COLD 1 restart. This
restart attempts to load translations and, if successful, it clears the
8.If the problem is not resolved, follow normal escalation procedures.
Only one SPE Tape alarmed
A typical scenario that results in a single minor TAPE alarm follows: The
system boots up on an SPE and cannot read in translations. As a result, a
major alarm against TAPE is raised. The system performs a Level 3
SPE-interchange and then reads in translations from the tape on the "new"
Active SPE. At this point, the major TAPE alarm is downgraded to a minor
TAPE alarm.
Error Type #3329 - Repair Procedure #2 (High or Critical Reliability
1.The tape against which Error Type #3329 has been logged should
reside in the Standby SPE. Issue the status system command to
determine which SPE is active.
If Error Type #3329 is logged against the Active SPE, follow Steps 1
through 3 of "Error Type #3329—Repair Procedure #1 (High and
Critical Reliability Systems)."
If Error Type #3329 is logged against the Standby SPE, follow Steps
4 through 7 of "Error Type 3329 - Repair Procedure #1 (High and
Critical Reliability Systems)."
2.Error while saving translations. Resolve other tape errors, and reissue
the save translations command.
j. Error Type #3841 indicates that a save translations operation failed
because the tape was in use. Wait two minutes, then issue the save
translations command. Try this a maximum of five times.
k. Error Type #3842 indicates a save translation failure due to a tape-related
problem. The following procedure is recommended to clear this error.
Error Type 3842 - Repair Procedure:
1.Look in the Hardware Error Log for Error Type #1793. If this error exists,
replace the tape cartridge in the tape unit on which the error
occurred with a new cartridge.
2.[G1.2 and later] Issue the test tape [a/b] long clear command for the
associated tape drive unit.