DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1338SYS-PRNT (System Printer)
Network Control circuit pack. If System Printer Link Maintenance cannot restore
the System Printer Link, the maintenance tests of these individual components of
the System Printer Link must be executed to diagnose faults.
Procedures for Restoring the System Printer Link
The following procedures should be followed to restore the System Printer Link:
1. Determine the status of the System Printer Link via the status sp-link
command. Verify that the System Printer Link is not busied out for
maintenance. On the System Printer Link Status Form, this is indicated by
a "no" in the "Maintenance Busy?" field. If the System Printer Link has been
busied out, issue the release sp-link command. If the link is "down,"
proceed to Step 2.
2. Issue the display system feature command to determine the destination
of the System Printer Link.
If the destination is an
extension number
, enter the status data-module
<extension> command and verify that the data extension is
in-service/idle. If the data extension is NOT available, refer to the
"Port/Channel Number" field on the "Data-Module Status" Form. Look for
errors and/or alarms on the circuit pack with which this extension is
associated. Refer to the appropriate MO documentation for recommended
repair strategy. Continue with Step 3.
If the destination is
, look for PR-MAINT errors in the Hardware Error
Log. If errors are present, refer to Maintenance/Tape Processor
Maintenance documentation, and continue with Step 5.
3. Determine if a data channel on the Network Control circuit pack is
in-service/idle as follows:
a. Use the list data-module command to find out the extension
numbers of the data channels on the Network Control circuit pack.
(There is a maximum of 4. They are listed as "netcon" on the Active
SPE. Ignore the Standby data channels.)
b. Enter the status data-module <extension> command to verify that
at least one Active data channel is in-service/idle.
4. If four data channels are administered and none are available, then look
for DATA-CHL/DATA-CON/DATA-BD errors in the Hardware Error Log. If
errors are present, refer to these MO sections for recommended
maintenance strategy. When problems (if any) with
DATA-CHL/DATA-CON/DATA-BD have been resolved, continue with Step
If fewer than four data channels are administered, then use the add
data-module command to add a network control data module to the
5. Verify the availability of the external SYS-PRNT output device as follows: