DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-723FL-DATA (Flash Data Consistency)
4 FAIL The load vintages are different in both SPEs.
1. Determine the desired software release by issuing the list
configuration software long command. Obtain the memory
card of the same software release. Follow the upgrade software
procedure to upgrade the out-of-date SPE.
2. Run the test card-mem long command again to resolve alarms.
5 FAIL The load vintages and translations are different in both SPEs. The
Active SPE has the most current translations.
1. Follow the procedures for Error Code 4.
6 FAIL The load vintages and translations are different in both SPEs. The
Standby SPE has the most current translations.
1. Follow the procedures for Error Code 4.
2. Issue the save translations command. If the translation save
passes on both SPEs, proceed to Step 3.
3. Run the test card-mem long command again to resolve alarms.
8 FAIL The announcements are different in both SPEs. The Active SPE has
the most current announcements.
1. Issue the save announcements command to save
announcements in both SPEs. If the announcement save passes
on both SPEs, go to Step 2.
2. Run the test card-mem long again to resolve the alarms.
9 FAIL The translations and announcements are different in both SPEs. The
Active SPE is the most current.
10 FAIL The translations and announcements are different in both SPEs. The
Standby SPE has the most current translations, and the Active SPE
has the most current announcements.
1. Issue the save translations command to save translations in
both SPEs.
2. Issue the save announcements command to save
announcements in both SPEs.
3. If both the translation save and announcement save pass on both
SPEs, run the test card-mem long command again to resolve the
Table 10-205. TEST #421 Flash Data Consistency Check Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page