DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-231list testcalls
Help Messages
[‘print’ or ‘help’]
Feature Interactions
list testcalls
This command generates an Automatic Transmission Measurement System
(ATMS) measurement report.
Print This option causes the report to be printed if a printer is linked to the SAT.
Schedule When the schedule option is specified, the command validates and a
schedule form displays to allow the technician to schedule execution of
the command at a specified time. The information displayed by the
command is sent to the system printer instead of the screen.
list suspend-alm-orig
Suspend Alarm Origination Entries
Physical Board Expires At
01C03 off-only 06/11/15:06
01E0407 on-and-off 06/11/17:26
01E0406 on-and-off 06/12/45:34