DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-1099PKT-CTRL (Packet Control Circuit Pack)
1141 ABORT The Packet Control circuit pack is not operational.
A busied-out Packet Control circuit pack can still be operational.
1. Determine if the Packet Control circuit pack has an active major alarm
(via the display alarm command). If it does, then follow the
recommended repair procedures to retire the alarm. Once the alarm is
retired, the original command can be retried.
2. If the Packet Control circuit pack does not have an active major alarm,
then wait one minute and retry the original command. If the Error Code
1141 is observed again, go to the next step.
3. If the Packet Control is not currently busied-out and is on the active
SPE, issue the busyout packet-control C command. Issue the reset
packet-control C command. If the reset command fails, follow the
recommended repair procedures for Test #586. If the reset command
passes, issue the release packet-control C command (if the Packet
Control circuit pack is on the active SPE), and then reissue the original
1143 ABORT The test should not be run in a High or Critical Reliability system.
1. No action is required since the parity circuitry is not used to monitor
the Packet Bus in a High or Critical Reliability system.
2100 ABORT Was unable to allocate necessary resources.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2500 ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1 FAIL The Packet Control parity circuitry is malfunctioning.
1. Issue test packet-control C long command to retry the test.
2. This could be caused by a Packet Bus fault. Refer to Chapter 9 for the
procedures to be followed.
3. The Packet Control circuit pack needs to be replaced. However, it is
likely that the Packet Control is providing service, and only its ability to
maintain the Packet Bus is affected by the fault. If the Packet Control
appears to be providing service (packet endpoints are functioning
and/or the status packet-control C command indicates that links are
established), it is not critical to replace the circuit pack immediately,
and a time may be chosen to minimize customer down-time.
PASS The Packet Control parity circuitry is functioning properly.
Table 10-324. TEST #584 Packet Control Parity Circuitry Test — Continued
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page