DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Commands and Trouble-Clearing Aids
Page 8-242monitor bcms
Enter a measured split or skill number(1-99), [’print’]
Or press CANCEL to cancel the command
Error Messages
If the split or skill number entered is non numeric, not administered, or invalid in
any other way, the following message is displayed:
Invalid split number
If the split or skill number entered is not measured by BCMS or only measured
externally, the following message is displayed:
Split is not measured by Basic Call Management System (BCMS)
If during the execution of a command a resource problem occurs that requires
the user to restart the command, then the following message will be displayed:
Command resources busy; Press CANCEL to clear, and then resubmit
If all of the available maintenance resources are currently in use, then the
following message will be displayed:
All maintenance resources busy; try again later
The following output fields are for the "monitor bcms system" command
Date: The current date and time which is updated every 30 seconds or
when the UPDATE key is pressed.
SPLIT The name of the split being reported, if no name is administered
then the split extension is displayed in the form "EXTxxxxx". Splits
are displayed in split number order. This field is translation data.
CALLS WAIT The number of calls currently waiting in this split’s queue. If any
of these calls are Direct Agent Calls, the field will be preceded
by an asterisk. This field is real-time status data.
OLDEST CALL The amount of time that the oldest call has waited in queue. This
field is real-time status data.
AVG ANSW SPEED The average speed of answer for this split during the current
period. This includes time in queue and time ringing at the
agent’s voice terminal. Calls that intraflow (calls that overflow
from one ACD split to another split) will not have queue time from
previous splits included in the average. The calculation is Total
Answer Time/Total Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Calls. This
field is measurement data and includes only those calls that have
completed (terminated).