DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Page 10-671EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
FAIL The Expansion Interface circuit pack under test cannot make contact
with opposite end Expansion Interface circuit pack.
1. If Test #238 passes (yellow LED not blinking at a rate of five times
per second), the Expansion Interface circuit pack is detecting the
framing signal and an Expansion Interface circuit pack is at least
physically present on the opposite side.
a. Reset the OPPOSITE Expansion Interface circuit pack using
the reset board PCSS command where PCSS is the address
of the OPPOSITE Expansion Interface circuit pack.
b. If the reset command returns the message "EPN is
unavailable," use the change circuit-pack command to add a
TN776/TN570 Expansion Interface circuit pack to the correct
EPN slot. Then, repeat the reset board command.
c. If the reset command returns the message "Board not
Assigned," the EPN Maintenance circuit pack may be holding
the Expansion Interface circuit pack reset. First, try to reset the
EPN Maintenance circuit pack using the test maintenance
long command. Then, repeat the reset board command on
the EPN Expansion Interface circuit pack.
d. If the reset does not pass, refer to the Expansion Interface
Reset Test (#336).
e. If the reset passes, execute the test board PCSS command
on the opposite Expansion Interface circuit pack. Resolve all
problems on the opposite Expansion Interface circuit pack
before proceeding.
f. If this test still does not pass, try replacing the Expansion
Interface circuit pack on which this test is failing.
2. If Test #238 fails (yellow LED is blinking at a rate of five times per
second), refer to the procedures for Test #238.
PASS The Expansion Interface circuit pack has successfully established a
link with the opposite Expansion Interface circuit pack.
1. If the status system command still indicates that this link is
down, it is possible that one or both of the Expansion Interface
circuit packs have been busied out.
2. If the link still does not come up, reset one or both Expansion
Interface circuit packs on the link.
Table 10-191. TEST #237 EI Neighbor Query Test — Continued
Result Description/Recommendation
Continued on next page