
DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 5
Maintenance and Test for R5vs/si
Issue 1
April 1997
Management Terminals
Page 3-28DEC VT220 Terminal
2. Enter logoff and press Enter. The screen displays:
If after either logging on as system technician or issuing a system technician
command no additional command is issued for 30 minutes, an automatic
time-out and logoff occurs. At that time, any alarms in the system previously
unreported to INADS are reported. If you are logged in at two separate
administration terminals, the system waits until the second terminal times out or
until you log off before reporting such alarms to INADS.
Logoff Notification
alerts system administrators if features that present a
significant security risk are enabled. A message displays on the system
administration/maintenance interface. Additionally, the user can be required to
acknowledge the notification before the logoff is completed.
DEC VT220 Terminal
The system supports use of the DEC VT220 connected to the system and used in
the same way as the other terminals. When logging in, at the terminal-type
prompt the user should enter ”VT220” to initialize the correct parameters.
Keyboard definitions shown in Table 3-5
are in effect:
Table 3-5. Keyboard Definitions for the DEC VT220 Terminal
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