For Fantum Feedback
• Confirmation of the rudder steering
1. Select the AUTO mode at the dockside.
2. Rotate the Course control knob clockwise to set course.
3. Confirm visually that the rudder turns to starboard.
4. Rotate the Course control knob counterclockwise to set course.
5. Confirm visually that the rudder turns to port.
• Confirmation of the AUTO mode at sea
1. Select the safe area and cruise at low speed.
2. Select the AUTO mode and confirm that NAVpilot controls the vessel properly.
• Helm sensor test
Note: Confirm when you install the Accu-Steer FPS 12V (or 24V) drive unit.
1. Select [Helm Sensor Test] from the diagnostic menu to start the helm sensor
2. Center the rudder then push the knob to show the message.
3. Turn the helm to port, and then confirm that “PORT“ is shown at [Universal Input
4. Turn the helm to starboard, and then confirm that “STBD“ is shown at [Universal
Input 2].
• Confirmation of the power assist feature
When [Power Assist] is set to [ON], do the following procedure.
1. When [Power Assist STBY] is set to [ON], select the STBY mode. When [Power
Assist STBY] is set to [OFF], select the AUTO mode.
2. Turn the helm to port slowly, and then confirm visually that the power assist is
activated and the rudder turns to port.
3. Turn the helm to starboard slowly, and then confirm visually that the power as-
sist is activated and the rudder turns to starboard.