AMEasure Subsystem (FFT)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Queries the designated AMEasure to determine what mode it is operating in.
These modes are fixed by design so that AME[1–2] always return FFT and
AME[3–5] always return MTONE.
Query: AME[1–5]:MODE? returns FFT or MTONE depending on the AME queried.
AMEasure[1–5]:STATe <Boolean>
Usage: Turns the designated AMEasure (1 through 5) ON or OFF.
Parameters: ON or OFF and 1 or 0.
Query: AME[1–5]:STAT? returns 1 for on or 0 for off.
*RST: Sets AME[1–5] states on.
AMEasure[3–5]:MTONe:FUNCtion LEVel|CROSstalk|LDIFfer-
Usage: Sets or queries the function attached to the MTONe measurement.
Parameters: LEVel Multitone Level on AME:MTON:INP channel.
CROSstalk Crosstalk into AME:MTON:INP channel from the
other channel. the AME:MTON:INP channel
is the undriven channel.
LDIFference Level difference between channel 1 and
channel 2. AME:MTON:INP value is ignored for this
measurement, since both channels
must be used to make the measurement.
PDIFference Phase difference between channel 1 and channel 2.
AME:MTON:INP value is ignored for this measurement, since
both channels must be used to make the measurement.
MDIStortion Multitone distortion into AME:MTON:INP
channel from the other channel.