OUTPut Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
OUTPut3:DAUDio:INTerface:VOLTage:BALanced <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the voltage output level at the balanced connectors. The balanced to
unbalanced ratio is always 5:1 so the balanced and unbalanced output levels are
not independently settable.
Range: 0.01 to 10.23 Vpp
Resolution: 0.01 Vpp
Query: OUTP3:DAUD:INT:VOLT:BAL? returns the voltage setting output to the
balanced output connectors.
*RST: 5.0 Vpp
OUTPut3:DAUDio:INTerface:VOLTage:UBALanced <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the voltage output level at the unbalanced connectors. The balanced to
unbalanced ratio is always 5:1 so the balanced and unbalanced output levels are
not independently settable.
Range: 0.002 to 2.046 Vpp
Resolution: 0.002 Vpp
Query: OUT3:DAUD:INT:VOLT:UBAL? returns the voltage output setting to the
unbalanced connectors.
*RST: 1.0 Vpp
OUTPut:IMPedance 10|150|600
Usage: Sets the output impedance of the analog generator.
Parameters: 10, 150, or 600 ohms
Query: OUT:IMP? returns the analog generator output impedance setting.
*RST: Set output impedance to 10 W.