PROGram Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: The selected function is started by setting state to RUN. If the state is already
RUN, a second run of the function is started. When set to STOP, all instances
started through this interface or the Function user interface will be stopped.
There is a maximum of 10 concurrently running functions.
Query: PROGram:SELected:STATe? returns the state of the selected function as
RUN or STOP. The PROG:RCAT? query returns a list of the currently running
PROGram:SELected:TIMed[:SET] [’cron_string’]
Usage: Sets zero or more cron_strings to time the running of the selected function.
Default: If no cron_strings arguments are given, this command acts the same as
Query: PROG:[SEL]:TIM[:SET]? returns the set of cron_strings for the
selected function.
Usage: Remove all the cron_strings for the selected function.
PROGram:SELected:TIMed:ADD ’cron_string’{,’cron_string’}
Usage: Adds to the current set of cron_strings for the selected function.
PROGram:SELected:USER[:NAME] <progname>
Usage: Selects the name of the function assigned to the function user button.
Query: PROG:SEL:USER? returns the name of the function assigned to the function
user button.