SOURce:LIST Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SOURce[1–8]:LIST:DWELl <time1{,time2,...time128}>
Usage: Sets the dwell times for each point in a list, up to 128 points, for the designated
source. Each list definition for the same source list (volts, frequency, and dwell)
must contain exactly the same number of points.
Query: SOURce[1–8]:LIST:DWELl? returns a comma separated list of the point
dwell times for the designated source.
Example: SOUR1:LIST:DWEL .5,.5..8,.8,.8,1,1,1.2,1,.8
*RST: Sets the dwell time to 1.0 second.
SOURce[1–8]:LIST:FREQuency <freq1{,freq2,...freq128}>
Usage: Sets the frequency of each point in list, up to 128 points within the available
resolution. For each list definition, volts, frequency, and dwell, each must
contain exactly the same number of points.
Example: SOUR1:LIST:FREQ 100,200,300,450,500,800,2000,5000,
Query: SOUR[1–8]:LIST:FREQ? returns a comma separated list of the point
*RST: Sets the list to its default number of points and point values: 15000.00,
12000.00, 9984.375, 7500.00, 5015.625, 2015.625, and 515.625 Hz
Usage: Sets the voltage for each point in a list, up to 128 points within the available
resolution. For each list definition, volts, frequency, and dwell, each must
contain exactly the same number of points if you wish to specify different
voltages in the list. If you want the same voltage for each point, enter that value
once. Specify level values in the units set by the UNIT:VOLT command.