Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Another choice in the Input subsystem is the input impedance setting.
The Input command in the AM700 uses suffixes to designate the input that has the
impedance setting applied. Syntax for the Impedance command is as follows:
Syntax: INPut:IMPedance <numeric_value>
Example: This command sets the input impedance for Analog A to 600 ohms.
INPut1:IMPedance 600
inp:imp 600
Range: The input impedance choices are: 150, 600, and 200000 ohms with 200000
being the power on default.
The SENSe setup commands are used to control some parameters of the digital
audio measurement function, and to query measurements made on the digital
interface. Commands in this subsystem are used to control the acquisition methods
of the AM700. Commands under the :DATA:DAUDio subnode control how digital
audio signals are acquired and queries to determine measurements. The Sense
commands uses the following suffixes to direct the action of the Sense command.
Analog Sense is controlled by the applications as needed to perform the selected
Suffixes: SENSe suffixes: 5 Subframe ‘A’ digital audio
6 Subframe ‘B’ digital audio
7 DSP port ‘A’
8 DSP port ‘B’
9 Digital reference ‘A’
10 Digital reference ‘B’
11 Eye Pattern
A few SENSe commands related to the digital audio signal are the following:
Syntax: SENSe[5–8]:DAUDio:AUDio:SRATe?
Returns the sample rate of the incoming signal.
LOW is 32 kHz
MEDium is 44.1 kHz
HIGH is 48 kHz