CMODe Subsystem (TRIGger)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Usage: Selects either the rising or the falling edge of the selected trigger signal as the
triggering edge when the Audio Monitor trigger system is enabled.
Query: CMOD:TRIG:SLOP? returns the trigger slope setting.
*RST: Sets TRIGger SLOPe to RISing.
CMODe:TRIGger:SOURce CHANnel1|CHANnel2|EXTernal
Usage: Selects the source to supply the trigger signal. When channel 1 and channel 2
are a stereo pair, the phase difference between trace 1 and trace 2 is a measure
of the phase difference between the input signals with either a channel 1 or a
channel 2 trigger source. If the signals are not a stereo pair, both traces will still
be stable even if they are not frequency related. In that case, the phase
difference information is not retained in the trace displays.
*RST: Sets the SOURce to CHANnel1.