
Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Table 1–4: Synchronization commands
Command Name Function
*OPC Operation Complete
Causes the AM700 to Generate the
operation complete message in the
Standard Event Status Register when all
pending selected device operations
have been finished.
*OPC? Operation Complete Query Places an ASCII “1” in the AM700’s
output queue when all pending selected
device operations have been finished.
*WAI Wait-to-Continue Command Prevents the AM700 from executing
further commands or queries until the
no-operation-pending flag is TRUE.
The COM1 and COM2 ports may be configured as serial RS-232C DTE ports.
These are DB-9 male connectors. The Serial Interface parameters given in
Table 1–5 are user selectable using menu control. If you are connecting the port to
another terminal, you will need a null modem connector to make the appropriate
connections. A user-supplied printer cable is needed to make the connection
between the AM700 and the user’s printer.
Table 1–5: Serial port protocol
Capabilities Description
Serial ports
COM1 and COM2 RS-232C
Connector DB-9, male. Configured as DTE ports.
Serial interface parameters
Baud Rate User selectable: 300, 600, 1200, 2400, and 9600,
19,200, and 38,400.
Flow Control XON/XOFF, CTS/RTS, and None.