AM700 SCPI Commands
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
alternative parameter values, a subset may be used. If the instrument does not
support an alternative value of the complete set, it may generate an error on receipt.
However, an instrument must handle all of the parameters in a SCPI command set
even if an alternative does not apply to the instrument’s capabilities.
Table 3–3: SCPI command syntax symbols
Symbols Description
[ ] Encloses a set of variables that are selectable or one or more parameters
that are optional when controlling the instrument. Omitting the optional
element causes the default action to occur.
{ } Encloses one or more parameters than may be included zero or more
? Indicates a query by appending to the last keyword in a command. Not all
commands have a query, and some commands are only queries.
| May be read as “or” and is used to separate alternative parameter options.
< > Encloses a SCPI–defined parameter.
: Separates elements of a SCPI command.
; Separates SCPI commands in a command list.
, Separates arguments in a SCPI argument list.
( ) Indicates a range of suffixes available for a SCPI command.
A query is formed by appending a question mark (?) to the last keyword in a
command. Not all commands have a query form, and some commands exist only as
a query.
The AM700 accepts only the exact short and the exact long forms. Sending a header
that is not either causes an error to be generated. In the following commands, the
CAPITAL letters indicate the short form mnemonic that may be used to reduce the
typing required. The AM700 parser accepts either uppercase or lowercase letters; it
is not case sensitive.