SOURce:FREQuency Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Query: SOUR[1–8]:FREQ:MODE? returns the operating mode of a designated
SOURce as CW or FIXED for non–sweeping, SWEEP for a frequency sweep,
or LIST for generating signals from a list of frequencies.
List: SOURce:LIST:FREQuency
*RST: Sets frequency mode to SWEep.
SOURce[1–8]:FREQuency:STARt <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the start frequency of a frequency sweep for the designated SOURce.
Range: 10 to 20000.00 for the High Resolution and Digital Generators
11.719 to 79992.188 for the High Bandwidth Generators.
Units: Hz.
*RST: Sets STARt to 20,000 Hz (High res and digital generators), 79992.188 Hz (High
bw generator).
SOURce[1–8]:FREQuency:STOP <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets the stop frequency of a frequency sweep for the designated SOURce.
Range: 10 to 20000.00 for the High Resolution and Digital Generators
11.719 to 79992.188 for the High Bandwidth Generators.
Units: Hz.
*RST: Sets STOP to 20 Hz (High resolution and digital generators), 11.719 Hz (High
bandwidth generator).