AMEasure Subsystem (Audio Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:LEVel:LOWer <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the lower amplitude setting for the LEVel.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:LEV:LOW? returns the lower amplitude setting used for a
regualtion mode voltage sweep for the designated AME.
*RST: Sets the Voltage Min level to 0.5000 volt.
AMEasure[1–4]:REGulation:LEVel:UPPer <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the upper amplitude setting for the Regulation Level.
Range: 0.000 to 173.62 V
–97.7815 to 47.0104 dBu
Units: Units of the query reply or command input follow the setting of UNIT:VOLT.
The *RST value for UNIT:VOLT is V. It does not follow the setting of the
Units seen in the display readout or the Units menu selections.
Query: AME[1–4]:REG:LEV:UPP? returns the upper amplitude setting used for a
regulation mode voltage sweep for the designated AME.
*RST: Sets the Voltage Max to 5.000 volts.
AMEasure:SETTled:CROSstalk:RESolution <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the global setting for resolution of settled data for the crosstalk
Range: 0 to 200 dB
Query: AME:SETT:CROS:RES? returns the global setting for resolution for the
crosstalk measurement.
*RST: 1.000 dB