Getting Started
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
Table 1–6: Remote connector pins (cont.)
Remote connector
Pin 3 to Pin 9,
Contact Closure
Normally open. Maximum voltage: 220 VDC;
Maximum current: 2 A; Maximum power: 60 W.
The state of the contact-closure relay (open or closed)
is settable from a function key and using SCPI
remote control.
Pin 5 to Pin 9 Reserved, normally-closed contact
Pin 7, +5 V Output +5 V @ 5 mA. This output is provided to drive the
TTL-Level input through an external contact-
closure relay.
System Communication
The Communication selections shown in Figure 1–5 provide the choices needed to
define the serial communications parameters for serial ports COM1 and COM2, and
setting the GPIB communications mode and the GPIB address. The conventional
choices in serial communications of Baud rate, stop bits, parity, hardware hand-
shaking, and software handshaking for RS-232 are provided. With the first release,
the serial ports are unidirectional, output only, for support of serial printers.
GPIB choices permit you to select the mode of operation and the GPIB address of
the AM700. GPIB modes of operation are Talk/Listen, Hardcopy, and Off Bus.
Talk/Listen mode is used for remote control of the AM700 via the GPIB port.
Hardcopy is the talk only mode and is used to output screens and data to a GPIB
printer. Off Bus turns of the GPIB interface, and the AM700 will not communicate
with any other device on the bus.