
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
SCPI Conformance Information
The AM700 commands are based on SCPI VERSION 1994.0.
SCPI Command Subsystems Implemented in the AM700
Table 2–1: SCPI subsystems implemented in the AM700
Subsystem Use in the AM700
CALCulate Averaging and FFT parameters
CALIBration Calibration start and Conversion Factors
DISPlay Selection and presentation styles for data and
controlling the view windows and cursors
FORMat Sets program names to either character or string
data types.
HCOPy Formatting and output of screen dumps.
INPut Selection of input parameters
INSTrument Selection of Application
MMEMory AM700 memory commands
OUTPut Selection of output parameters
PROGram Control of the function programs
ROUTe Selection of input routing
SENSe Selection of input processing
SOURce Selection of generator
STATus Setting and querying the AM700 status registers
SYSTem Control of the communication parameters,
hardcopy operation, setting the clock
TRACe Querying the displayed traces for name, number of
points, and trace data