AMEasure Subsystem (Audio Analyzer)
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
AMEasure:SETTled:CROSstalk:TOLerance <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the settling tolerance setting of the THD measurement for the
designated AME.
Range: 0 to 100%
Query: AME[1–4]:SETT:CROS:TOL? returns
*RST: 1.000%
AMEasure:SETTled:DELay <numeric_value>
Usage: Sets or queries the amount of delay time after the generator has changed state to
wait before looking for a new data point. This setting is used to accomodate
propagation delay and settling of the device under test. This setting is used in
Regulation mode when the measurement is closed loop (that is when the
measurement is driving the generator).
Range: 0 to 100 seconds
Query: AME:SETT:DEL? returns the delay time that will be used when a closed loop
measurement is being done. This is the amount of time that the Audio Analyzer
waits after changing the generator before it begins looking for a new data point.
*RST: Sets the delay time to 0.5 seconds.
AMEasure:SETTled:ENABle <Boolean>
Usage: Sets or queries the state of enabling for settling. When settling is not enabled,
any data received will be plotted. When settling is enabled, the settings for
minimum level, tolerance, resolution, variation, etc. must be met before a data
point is plotted.
Query: AME:SETT:ENAB? returns 1 for enabled or 0 for not enabled.
*RST: Set settling to enabled for all AMEasures.