PROGram Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
PROGram Subsystem
These SCPI commands are for the PROGram subsystem as implemented in the
AM700 for the selection and running of functions. These commands provide
features needed to generate and control one or more user-programmed tasks in the
AM700. Functions are files in Tcl programming language permanently included in
the “rom:/functions” directory and any user generated files in the “nvram:/func-
tions” directory. The function names are the file names found in those two
directories. Do not name a user generated file the same name as one of the provided
functions in the rom:/function directory as that will make the function stored in
ROM inaccessible.
Function programs may be loaded either using the DOS file transfer capabilities of
the MMEMory subsystem or using the PROGram subsystem commands for
unloading via the GPIB interface. Function programs loaded using the GPIB
interface must be formatted as arbitrary block program data. Function programs may
be loaded from a floppy disk via the DOS interface using the file browser screens
called up when the front panel Storage button is pressed.
Two methods are provided for accessing a particular function using SCPI
commands. One method employs EXPLicit reference for each command. All
commands under the EXPLicit node directly reference the desired function by
progname. This allows access to a function without having to change the selected
program NAME. The <progname> parameter is required for all EXPLicit
The second method allows a specific function to be selected using the
PROGram:SELected:NAME <progname> command. Further PROGram:SELected
commands relate only the named function.
When using the PROGram:EXPLicit:DEFine <progname>,<program>, the
data supplied in <program> must be in arbitrary block data format. Program
names that are not character data may be entered as string data with single quotes
setting off the progname. When querying using a progname, if it is a legal character
data filename, single quotes are not needed around the progname.